Issue #4 - Let's push things forward 🕐
The backbone is a newsletter for anyone involved in a business - the backbone of the UK economy. In this issue - getting ready for life after lockdown, money, Trump, and lots of good vibes...
🦾 G O
This ain't the down, it's the upbeat 🕺🏻
March 29 sees the return of the ‘rule of six’ and organised sport - outdoor-only for now - in Step One (part deux) of the #Roadmapoutoflockdown.
Although we’re slowly feeling our way out of lockdown, there’s still a lot of pressure on hospitals and NHS staff. It’ll be interesting to see how A&E departments deal with the inevitable inlfux of broken limbs and sprained joints, as middle-aged adults across the country return to five-a-side pitches after months of inactivity.
Remember, if the magic sponge doesn’t work, a couple of paracetamol and a Tubigrip usually does the trick.
More importantly though, the countdown to Step Two of the #Roadmapoutoflockdown is well and truly on. If you’re getting ready to reopen your business on April 12, keep reading for some things to consider before you throw open your doors once more.
The clocks spring forward this weekend too - at 1am on Sunday, March 28, to be exact.
👎🏻 On the downside, it means we all lose an hour. Something few, if any, business owners can afford.
👍🏻 On the plus side, it means summer is well and truly on the way.
Let’s take the positives and dive into Issue #4 of The Backbone, the fortnightly business bulletin from Bionic. Thanks for joining us.
📰 N E W S
A business blueprint for getting out of lockdown
The last 12 months have been tough for business owners, particularly those who’ve had to close their doors for long periods due to lockdown restrictions.
But an end is finally in sight, and April 12 feels like a big date on the road to recovery.
If you’re going to be reopening your business in a couple of weeks time, here are four key areas to consider:
Before reopening for staff and customers, check for health and safety hazards, including pests, stagnant water, and damaged fixtures and fittings.
Implement hand washing and hygiene procedures by setting up cleaning stations and hand sanitisers at common touchpoints, along with plenty of signs to outline these procedures to staff and customers. In order to ensure compliance from staff, you should agree measures with all employees as part of their working arrangements. Make sure your premises is part of a track and trace system.
Encourage social distancing by using posters and signs where necessary, particularly in areas where distancing is more difficult. Make sure all staff and customers wear face masks, and consider staggering arrival and departure times and introducing shifts to help keep staff distanced.
Help people to work from home by making sure everyone has the right equipment and are included in all necessary communications. It’s also important to consider their physical and mental well-being. On the flipside, it’s also just as important to support staff who do need to return to the workplace.
For more tips and info on what happens next, check out the Bionic business blueprint for getting out of lockdown.
📤 S H A R E
Two weeks from now, we’ll be sending another newsletter. Tell your friends to get it in their inbox, and it will be so.
🤝🏻 T I P S
Did you know..?
How you frame your message can make all the difference.
Sometimes perception is everything. Even in the case of giving to charity, according to the findings of a French study on donation habits. It found that the size of donations to children’s charity moneyboxes placed in French bakeries was influenced by the shape of the box:
🔵 For a round box, the average donation per day and per bakery was €0.57
🟦 For a square box, the average donation per day and per bakery was €0.59
💙 Donations doubled to €1.19 for a heart-shaped box
If you’re looking to build your brand or simply promote your small business, the framing of your message can make all the difference.
📰 N E W S
Some business finance news…
A two-for-one on news items in this bulletin, as changes are coming that could have financial implications for business owners and freelancers alike.
📆 First up is the end of CBILS, CLBILS and Bounce Back Loans. The application deadline for these government-backed loans is fast-approaching - you have until March 31 to get your applications in.
These loans will be replaced the Recovery Loan Scheme as of April 6. For more details, go to the government website. For more info on CBILS, CLBILS and Bounce Back Loans, check out the Bionic blog - Get ready for government coronavirus support ending.
💷 Next up are the changes to the IR35 tax rules, which take effect from April 6. Although these changes don’t apply to small businesses, if you employ freelancers or contractors - say, you’re a salon that hires out a chair to a barber that’s not on your books - it’s probably worth letting them know what’s going on.
For more info, check out the Bionic blog - Everything every small business owner needs to know about IR35.
ℹ L I N K E D I N
Meanwhile, over on LinkedIn...
Quick quiz (just for fun) - guess the occupation?
If they’re buying a Porsche with cash, we're guessing they recently made the move up from Capo to Don.
📩 J O I N
The initiation’s over. Time to join the club.
How are you planning for life after lockdown? 🔓 Will you be sticking with anything you put in place to get through lockdown? 🚚 Any business questions to ask our team? 💬 Get involved 👇🏻
🔥 S O C I A L
Coming up Trumps
After losing the election and being kicked off Twitter, Donald Trump is launching his own social media platform.
And it’ll be the best platform. The most terrific platform. Everyone will agree that all other social media platforms are for losers. Probably.
In case you were unaware, Trump was a prolific tweeter, and often seemed to use the platform to bypass the traditional media and speak directly to voters.
After years of courting controversy in 280 characters or less, things finally came to a head after January's deadly riots at the US Capitol in Washington DC, when the outgoing POTUS was suspended from both Twitter and Facebook.
But, as the saying seems to go these days - ‘if you can’t beat them, make stuff up’.
We don’t know what format the platform will take or what the rules will be, but Trump has simply said it: "will be the hottest ticket in social media" and will "completely redefine the game".
Which is exactly the sort of thing you’d expect him to say.
📺 W A T C H
Wake up, get out of bed, drag a comb across your head
The Tim Ferriss YouTube channel is a mine of productivity hacks, business advice, and interviews. Here, he explains how some simple tweaks to your morning routine can really help to get your day off to the best possible start.
We can confirm that yoga and cold showers are 100% where it’s at 🙏🏻
🎧 L I S T E N
Need to switch off from the 24-hour rolling doomcasts on the radio?
A playlist from Nudie Jeans - one of the best denim brands on the planet. If you’ve not read “Start your own f*cking brand - the backstage story of Nudie Jeans”, it’s well worth your time.
How I built this - the stories behind some of the world's best-known companies
A bit of optimism, with Simon Sinek - A podcast to inspire people to do the things that inspire them.
🏡 H O U S E K E E P I N G
If The Backbone isn’t landing in your inbox after 1pm every other Friday, your email provider may have moved it straight into your spam folder.
To stop that happening again, please mark this address as ‘not spam.’ If it isn’t in your spam folder, it may have been moved to another folder, like ‘Promotions’ or ‘Social’.
Thanks again for getting involved, and please feel free to get your friends and colleagues on board, and send us any ideas for things you’d like to see us cover in The Backbone.
🚫 S T O P
Thanks for making it to the end of this bulletin 🤝🏻
That’s your lot for another fortnight, but if you think there’s anything else we should be featuring let us know - from inspirational stories, to Spotify playlists, or anything in between.
And don’t forget to send this link to all your friends and get them to subscribe ✌🏻
See you in a two weeks time, when we’ll be mere days away from the return of thousands of our favourite businesses. We genuinely can’t wait.
📊 B U S I N E S S
Get your business costs sorted.
Looking to cut your business costs, sort your insurance, or get you broadband up to speed? Bionic’s tech enabled experts will help you find the right energy, insurance, broadband or loan providers and deals for your business - in minutes.
🏅 Established for more than 12 years 📍 Over 200,000 businesses helped